Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I love doing Coach

I have to do a show tonight at the Vaudeville Theatre for about 100 Lee University students. Its the Reunion Show and I play the coach, Coach Conroy, that everyone loves to hate at a fictitious high school reunion.
I am looking for humor to use as Lee is a Christen school and a Pentecostal one at that having affiliations with the Church of God of which I am proud to call myself a member. Since I have been part of a Pentecostal denomination I have noticed some of the best Pentecostal jokes come after a service and from members. Just spend some time around my wife's son Brandon who is a very funny guy. We joke about snakes, we don't use them but people think we do, speaking in tongues etc.

I found a top ten list I liked today

Top 10 signs that you are in the wrong church:
10. The church bus has gun racks.
9. The church staff consists of senior pastor, associate pastor and sociopastor.
8. The Bible they use is the Dr. Seuss version.
7. There is an ATM in the lobby.
6. The choir wears leather robes.
5. The worship services are B.Y.O.S. (bring your own snake).
4. There's no cover charge but communion is a two-drink minimum.
3. The pastor regularly attends meetings in Las Vegas and Atlantic City.
2. The ushers ask, "Smoking or non-smoking?"
1. The Women's Quartet are all married to the pastor.

My wife's family has a lot of history with Lee as two of her children, Katrina and Brandon graduated from their and Katrina was a record setting volleyball player and has records that still stand. She was just inducted into the Lee Lettermen’s Club recently.

So I hope to have a great show tonight, I love this hobby and am glad my wife humors me and lets me be away to do these shows, this is an outlet for me

If you have not been to one you need to, Chris, the owner has a lot of specials and it is as affordable if not more so then eating out and going to the movies and you laugh a lot which is good for your health.
Pray a lot today, God loves to hear from you

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