Sunday, March 29, 2009

Have I been doing it all wrong?

I saw something on the news this morning regarding blogging and use of twittering. It implied a blog might be more of an on-line journal. So I have been writing with readers in mind, which, I doubt I have. So now I just am going to write and post pictures and if anyone reads, so be it.

I have a great deal to journal, a divorce almost four years ago, being savaged by an biased and sexist judge, Marie L. Williams of the Third Circuit Court of Hamilton County in Chattanooga Tennessee. Trying to pay a high child support and wrong and outrageous alimony to an undeserving women, my home stolen from me along with many other possessions. All while trying to keep my income high enough to live myself and support my wife and myself.
I do have many more blessings then things to complain about, I have a great relationship with the Lord, a beautiful wife and lots of kids and grand kids both my own and through marriage to Pam. We have has some ups and downs, unemployment, lower paying jobs but in all I have been doing great and have much to be thankful for in the end. Every day my blessing outnumber any hardships. Those can be handled just by be living in God and having faith in his promises.

I can say that I don't think my ex-wife is as happy as I am! I have so much diversity in my life.
I have a part-time hobby job at the Vaudeville Cafe Murder Mystery Dinner shows in Chattanooga,TN. I play about four different roles in three plays and get to have a lot of improv comedy fun and meet a lot of people.
I have a great job as a programmer at TVA. I have a great church, The Ministry Center, in Hixson, TN. More friends and family than I think I have ever had, so I am very blessed.

So I have has the song says, taken back, with Gods help and blessing, what the devil stole from me, my devils are Marie Williams and my ex-wife but I still have to work hard to forgive them as I hope they can forgive me. I have a lot I can add on these subjects I want to journal in the future.

But I want to use this blog as first my own sounding board, what anyone else gains if anyone ever reads it, that will be great but it needs to be a daily thing to write and post here. I think it will do me the most good because I get it off my chest and then can let it go if it is a bad thing and remind myself of the good things.

So till tomorrow, God Bless You if you are reading this and God bless me and my enemies if I have any..................sure if?

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