Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Well Another Busy Day

Well Pam and I have a busy day after work. Going to see my youngest son Nick's school Christmas production. We saw Isabella, Pam's granddaughter do her part in our children's church play on Sunday night at the Ministry Center, and our niece Sydney also, she had a lead part. It was great and the kid's did a great job as did the parents who helped put it together of which one was Pam's daughter Katrina.

This Friday night we are taking Nick to Rock City to see there Christmas display, so all week is Christmas

We have our wedding anniversary on Wednesday and we are celebrating this weekend and going to Nashville to see The Rockettes and to stay at the Opryland Hotel. We are looking forward to that and I love to go to Nashville during Christmas.

We will make a trip to the Opryland Mall and buy our last Christmas presents and I am sure eat! Like I need to but ya got to do what you got to do.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

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