Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Afghanistan, will it be another Vietnam

I worry it will be another Vietnam. It has been a quagmire going back to Alexander the Great. I hear many say it is not but many of them have only read about and studied Vietnam in school. I watched it every night on the news, studied it first hand in school and then joined the Army in the waining days of the war and was trained by it's veterans and heard their war stories and saw their scars. I heard first hand about how they felt they were unsupported by the command structures above them and had their hands tied by the government back home. They did not enjoy the support our troops have had up to now, I think that will begin to wain as the American people get tired of the war, again as it happened in Vietnam.

I have a son in Afghanistan so I was glad to finally hear President Obama present his plan. It is a lot of troops and worries me, being such an escalation of our involvement. How long will we be in this country propping up a central government that seems to have little control over the most of the country and can't run a fair election. I think and from what my son has told me the Afghan people seem to be a tough and admirable bunch of folks but do they even want or need our style of government. We cannot shove it down their throats, that has been tried many times before so we just need to train them and then turn over their destiny to the Afghan people.

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