Wednesday, December 9, 2009

It is my third wonderful Wedding Anniversary, wed to the beautiful Pamela!!!!!!!

Today's post is to my wonderful wife of three years Pamela Longobardi. We have been married for three and all have been great. My life would not be the same without her and not worth being in this world.

She have taken me on adventures to Iowa, Panama City, Miami Beach and Cancun and I expect many more it the future.

This is not easy because I am an apprehensive traveler and can be a nervous wreck and a real butt leading up to a trip. In fact I have so many idiosyncrasies it is a wonder she did marry me, guess I hid them well.
I am so lucky to have her and want my life with her to go on forever. Because of the relationship with God that she has helped me develop that I hope will be possible. It is what gives our marriage the extra zing. She is an amazing Wife, Mother and Grandmother and is so beautiful it is hard to imagine she is a grandmother.
The following poem sums up how luck I am and I have found my self looking at her on a weekend morning and thinking just this:

Reflections of a Beautiful Morning The sun rises above the hillcrest, As does the joy of my heart; Rays of warmth and love,From her I will never depart.Fresh dew upon the grass,Young birds chirp in their nests;I watch her gently sleep,My love to her I silently profess.I enjoy the stillness and calm,Watching as she smiles and dreams;She brings me to stillness and peace,Like that of a slow flowing stream.My heart and soul flow with love,And I smile as I quietly reflect;I’ve been handed a sweet princess,A sweet princess to love and to protect.A vow to myself I make,As she quietly sleeps away;To love and always cherish her, Until my last breath... until my last day.- Michael Brieck -

I love you Pamela and I am looking forward to a new year with you and all the great things it will bring and the challenges we will get through together. You are a great compass in my life and give me direction when I lose my way because you have helped me to find that the Lord is who we ask when we are lost.

We are on our way to greater things everyday and it just keeps getting better baby
Your Grateful Husband, I love you

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