Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Speed Traps Still Exist Virginia, help support Ellsinore, Misery.....I mean Missouri

Well in keeping with my new promise to myself I am going to get a post out this morning.

I have a show tonight at the Vaudeville Cafe, Talk Show, I am Walter the Stage Manager of a fictitious talk show, The Dorthy Cannon Show. I love this show because it has a lot of audience participation and changes every time based on the audience.

I did not mention it in yesterdays post but on the way back I got a ticket in a speed trap in
Ellsinore which is a city in Carter County, Missouri, United States. It has a population of 363 at the 2000 census.

I was traveling down highway 60 a very well built highway that is 65mph most all the way except in some built up areas that were well marked and had warnings to slow down. I was going about 70-75, I do admit but that put me 5-10 over the limit but I found my self getting pulled over by "I would assume Ellsinore's only finest" police officer in a white SUV that came out of nowhere! He informed me I was going 75 in a 55 and was 20mph over the speed limit. When did it become 55 I wondered....the highway had not changed a bit, few roads entering and no housing or buildings anyplace in sight? It was amazing, no reason that the speed should have changed. So I might have been only 5-10 mph over instead of 15-20, now it is a class B offense and up goes the revenue for Ellsinore! Can you say SPEED TRAP!!!!!
The speed limit did not change for any safety reason on this boring, well-built piece of highway but to support the tiny town of 363. Made me ashamed to have been a past Missouri resident! Notice in the map below how far the town is from the highway. Happy Holidays Ellsinore, MO.....your check will be in the mail soon buy Kojack a new radar gun

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