Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I did it, started getting my exercise

again. At Green way(Spangler Farms) at the end of the trail loop been walking for an hour almost. It is chilly but the sun is nice an invigorated! Forgot how nice this is picture I up loaded is top of the quarry

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas

It is Christmas Eve and almost time to go to my wife's parents with the rest of the family. Up to now every thing has been leading up this point.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

It is my third wonderful Wedding Anniversary, wed to the beautiful Pamela!!!!!!!

Today's post is to my wonderful wife of three years Pamela Longobardi. We have been married for three and all have been great. My life would not be the same without her and not worth being in this world.

She have taken me on adventures to Iowa, Panama City, Miami Beach and Cancun and I expect many more it the future.

This is not easy because I am an apprehensive traveler and can be a nervous wreck and a real butt leading up to a trip. In fact I have so many idiosyncrasies it is a wonder she did marry me, guess I hid them well.
I am so lucky to have her and want my life with her to go on forever. Because of the relationship with God that she has helped me develop that I hope will be possible. It is what gives our marriage the extra zing. She is an amazing Wife, Mother and Grandmother and is so beautiful it is hard to imagine she is a grandmother.
The following poem sums up how luck I am and I have found my self looking at her on a weekend morning and thinking just this:

Reflections of a Beautiful Morning The sun rises above the hillcrest, As does the joy of my heart; Rays of warmth and love,From her I will never depart.Fresh dew upon the grass,Young birds chirp in their nests;I watch her gently sleep,My love to her I silently profess.I enjoy the stillness and calm,Watching as she smiles and dreams;She brings me to stillness and peace,Like that of a slow flowing stream.My heart and soul flow with love,And I smile as I quietly reflect;I’ve been handed a sweet princess,A sweet princess to love and to protect.A vow to myself I make,As she quietly sleeps away;To love and always cherish her, Until my last breath... until my last day.- Michael Brieck -

I love you Pamela and I am looking forward to a new year with you and all the great things it will bring and the challenges we will get through together. You are a great compass in my life and give me direction when I lose my way because you have helped me to find that the Lord is who we ask when we are lost.

We are on our way to greater things everyday and it just keeps getting better baby
Your Grateful Husband, I love you

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Well Another Busy Day

Well Pam and I have a busy day after work. Going to see my youngest son Nick's school Christmas production. We saw Isabella, Pam's granddaughter do her part in our children's church play on Sunday night at the Ministry Center, and our niece Sydney also, she had a lead part. It was great and the kid's did a great job as did the parents who helped put it together of which one was Pam's daughter Katrina.

This Friday night we are taking Nick to Rock City to see there Christmas display, so all week is Christmas

We have our wedding anniversary on Wednesday and we are celebrating this weekend and going to Nashville to see The Rockettes and to stay at the Opryland Hotel. We are looking forward to that and I love to go to Nashville during Christmas.

We will make a trip to the Opryland Mall and buy our last Christmas presents and I am sure eat! Like I need to but ya got to do what you got to do.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Saturday, December 5, 2009

It Snowed on the Creek

Just a quick post to show the snow. It looks great, will not last long.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Afghanistan, will it be another Vietnam

I worry it will be another Vietnam. It has been a quagmire going back to Alexander the Great. I hear many say it is not but many of them have only read about and studied Vietnam in school. I watched it every night on the news, studied it first hand in school and then joined the Army in the waining days of the war and was trained by it's veterans and heard their war stories and saw their scars. I heard first hand about how they felt they were unsupported by the command structures above them and had their hands tied by the government back home. They did not enjoy the support our troops have had up to now, I think that will begin to wain as the American people get tired of the war, again as it happened in Vietnam.

I have a son in Afghanistan so I was glad to finally hear President Obama present his plan. It is a lot of troops and worries me, being such an escalation of our involvement. How long will we be in this country propping up a central government that seems to have little control over the most of the country and can't run a fair election. I think and from what my son has told me the Afghan people seem to be a tough and admirable bunch of folks but do they even want or need our style of government. We cannot shove it down their throats, that has been tried many times before so we just need to train them and then turn over their destiny to the Afghan people.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Speed Traps Still Exist Virginia, help support Ellsinore, Misery.....I mean Missouri

Well in keeping with my new promise to myself I am going to get a post out this morning.

I have a show tonight at the Vaudeville Cafe, Talk Show, I am Walter the Stage Manager of a fictitious talk show, The Dorthy Cannon Show. I love this show because it has a lot of audience participation and changes every time based on the audience.

I did not mention it in yesterdays post but on the way back I got a ticket in a speed trap in
Ellsinore which is a city in Carter County, Missouri, United States. It has a population of 363 at the 2000 census.

I was traveling down highway 60 a very well built highway that is 65mph most all the way except in some built up areas that were well marked and had warnings to slow down. I was going about 70-75, I do admit but that put me 5-10 over the limit but I found my self getting pulled over by "I would assume Ellsinore's only finest" police officer in a white SUV that came out of nowhere! He informed me I was going 75 in a 55 and was 20mph over the speed limit. When did it become 55 I wondered....the highway had not changed a bit, few roads entering and no housing or buildings anyplace in sight? It was amazing, no reason that the speed should have changed. So I might have been only 5-10 mph over instead of 15-20, now it is a class B offense and up goes the revenue for Ellsinore! Can you say SPEED TRAP!!!!!
The speed limit did not change for any safety reason on this boring, well-built piece of highway but to support the tiny town of 363. Made me ashamed to have been a past Missouri resident! Notice in the map below how far the town is from the highway. Happy Holidays Ellsinore, MO.....your check will be in the mail soon buy Kojack a new radar gun

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