Friday, January 7, 2011

Rocky Raccoon Rescued and other news in my life

I saw a great thing today coming into work about 8, two of our Chattanooga police and a Hamilton County Sheriff had blocked parts of the corner of MLK and Riverside drive and were protecting an injured raccoon, I assume until animal control could arrive and assist it........or they were waiting for permission to cap it?
Trying to blog regularly now at least every other day, I want to add and begin to research and add more of my opinion of divorce and alimony in Tennessee and the high cost and big business of the alimony and divorce racket that helps to clog our courts and make lawyers and judges money.

The state tries to use alimony to avoid mostly divorced women from being on the welfare rolls of the state but in truth most of the woman who have the money to pay lawyers to get them alimony would not have ended up on the states dole. The women who need help just to get justified child support cannot get help.

But I am researching these questions and many more for future blogs. I want to intensify my postings in this area as the next few years’ progress and include Judge Marie Williams who handled my divorce case and the methods she used to impress upon me her beliefs and mores and how her sexist attitudes and lack of objectivity affected my case and the monetary punishment she enacted upon me.

Well my workout schedule is going great, started my new heavy weight schedule for the next few weeks. I want to master the deadlift and the squat, also been doing a lot of box jumping and trying to improve my upward jump power. I hope all of the above will improve my core.

Still doing shows at the Vaudville Cafe in Chattanooga so come see a show. Have a great day!!!

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