Friday, November 15, 2013

Waiting for Pizza

Waiting for my pizza at pizza in Chattanooga!  Catching up on my Time magazine reading while I wait, been studying  SSRS reporting...hungry now.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Waiting for our team TVA concept.  Then I am going to go code in a coffee shop, be nice and quite and want to get a lot done.

We are heading to Atlant at 1:30-2 to take Brandons car up so he can sell it to a guy he knows. Then dinner in Atlanta

Monday, May 9, 2011

Great Weekend, Time to Catchup on Blogging

Had a great weekend, Mothers Day. We have changed churches and now have joined Abba's House on Hixson Pike in Hixson,TN. We love it and are starting to get involved, Pam in the choir and me serving at Wednesday Dinners before services. We have joined a Life Group(Sunday School) and it is a great mix of people and diversity along with some great ministry work to get involved in as we progress.
We went on our first trip with the Choir and a Riverboat dinner cruise on the Southern Bell, had a great time and met a lot of people along with the great food and music. We are looking forward to more fun in the future.
On the alimony front I only have 1 year and 11 months to pay the parasite, I see the light at the end of the tunnel!!!

Working out is going great, and I have lost weight and increased muscle, I am deadlifting about 175lb to 200lb and benching 250-275lb. I hope to start sprinting again soon, building that core.

We survived the storm and have been blessed in so many ways, all those that were hit so hard by the storms our hearts and prayers are with them. Thanks to my Life Group teacher who was looking around the internet and found this blog to remind me to get to blogging.

Praise God

Friday, January 7, 2011

Rocky Raccoon Rescued and other news in my life

I saw a great thing today coming into work about 8, two of our Chattanooga police and a Hamilton County Sheriff had blocked parts of the corner of MLK and Riverside drive and were protecting an injured raccoon, I assume until animal control could arrive and assist it........or they were waiting for permission to cap it?
Trying to blog regularly now at least every other day, I want to add and begin to research and add more of my opinion of divorce and alimony in Tennessee and the high cost and big business of the alimony and divorce racket that helps to clog our courts and make lawyers and judges money.

The state tries to use alimony to avoid mostly divorced women from being on the welfare rolls of the state but in truth most of the woman who have the money to pay lawyers to get them alimony would not have ended up on the states dole. The women who need help just to get justified child support cannot get help.

But I am researching these questions and many more for future blogs. I want to intensify my postings in this area as the next few years’ progress and include Judge Marie Williams who handled my divorce case and the methods she used to impress upon me her beliefs and mores and how her sexist attitudes and lack of objectivity affected my case and the monetary punishment she enacted upon me.

Well my workout schedule is going great, started my new heavy weight schedule for the next few weeks. I want to master the deadlift and the squat, also been doing a lot of box jumping and trying to improve my upward jump power. I hope all of the above will improve my core.

Still doing shows at the Vaudville Cafe in Chattanooga so come see a show. Have a great day!!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

It is 2011 and I am working on a Six Pack

That is my resolution for the new year.....a six -pack. My wife thinks it is pretentious but I am taking it anyway but that, I really am not sure I can do it at my age, almost 55, but it is the goal to keep me on workout.
I have been working out for about 6 months and am seeing results, weight loss, more muscle definition and bigger muscle as I do a lot of weightlifting. I read a number of articles that say that at my age I need more recovery meaning sleep and the right food and time between workouts so it is a learning experience. I have been reading about so called "Warrior workouts" like used for the movie "The 300" and am leaning that way for a leaner result rather then the "Body builder".
Now not to be out done by "The Situation"....for those not watching reality shows, "Jersey Shore", that is Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino, I am calling my present stomach "The Cause". If I achieve the six-pack it will be renamed "The Solution" or "The Amazement".
I have to clarify here, my wife is upset that I may be sending the message that I watch "Jersey Shore" on a regular basis. I do not, I watch it for material to use in my shows at the Vaudeville Cafe in Chattanooga, it is like a car wreck, you have to look sometimes.....Snookie is a wealth of good jokes and you see many young ladies dressing and looking like her be it on purpose or not!

So I just hope to stay in shape to outlast paying the "The Private Welfare Parasite" in Tiftonia when I am done paying that $1000 dollar a month state, Tennessee, ordered extortion, alimony, and only have to pay child support after that is finished.
But I do have a great life now, I have a bunch of Grand kids and great sons and lots of family so hey...Life is Good! Happy New Year!!! from me and "The Cause"

Thursday, December 30, 2010

It has been awhile....its almost 2011

I have not posted on this blog all year....pitiful! So much has happened this year. A new grandson...Eli....Gene is back from Afganistan safely. I have begun getting in shape and made it thru the holidays still working out and making gains. I just have to lose about another 20-30 lbs, yeah!

But still am paying that lazy woman in Tiftoina, ex-wife drawing alimony....not the child support mind you that is my job to support my son but to support a lazy, under acheiving woman with a bigger check then I pay for the child support is outragous, and for the last 6 years with two years to go still. It is an outrage this happens in the USA.

But it will be over soon and thats one of the many reasons I workout and stay fit because I want to be here to reap my reward when I get back the fruits of my.....MY...labor! Ok, got that off my chest so whats up for 2010.

Well Pam and I are going to be working on working out of course and I want to get more work done on my web sites. I want to look at new things to do and new ways to enjoy life and my spending time with my beautiful wife Pam and all our kids, family and grandkids we are very blessed no matter what has happened in the past so we have great things to look forward to in 2011.....Stay Tuned for more....

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I did it, started getting my exercise

again. At Green way(Spangler Farms) at the end of the trail loop been walking for an hour almost. It is chilly but the sun is nice an invigorated! Forgot how nice this is picture I up loaded is top of the quarry