Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Time to Pay

It is time to get back to my workout and I am trying to will myself out the door and to the gym. I have missed about two weeks now telling my self I was taking a Christmas break. I needed it also because I have been needing to rest my shoulder but I think that is old age and not an injury.
I have been happy with my last year of working out, I had went the longest in my life since the Army with a unbroken scheduled daily workout, about 8 months. So I was proud of myself. But the cold as winter come on has slowed me and made it harder to go out and hit my heavy bag and make it to the gym. Well I think you all can understand how that can happen, so here I go, a cup of coffee and I am on the road to the gym.................................I hope

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Why Blog?

I wonder the same thing, millions of people many really get viewed? But should I worry about that, don't thinks so....I have set a goal this year to write at least once a day in my blogs and also attach it all together with my other site areas that I am setting up with pictures and other information.
I do have some things regarding issues I consider important that I want to write about, Religion, Politics, Divorce in Tennessee and the Tennessee court system and how it has affected me in the past four to five years. I have definite views regarding alimony and court sanctioned property theft as it has happened in Tennessee.
Some of these things I will talk about on this blog and others I will link to in other places. But I have been evolving over the past years in how I approach putting my ideas out and in the public.
No matter what has happened in the past I know this for a fact, I am living some of the best years of my life right now and into the future, I have a wonderful wife and we have great kids and grand kids, family and friends and a great church family that enrich our lives everyday.
Pam and I are truly blessed as even in the darkest moments over the last few years the Lord has provided and been with us every step even when we have not seen him clearly
As the new year comes my next post will be about the things that have happened over the past year and most important the positive and blessed things that have happened. Have a blessed day.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas is over, now its time to get some rest

Christmas is over and all the kids have went home and now its time for Pam and I to get some much needed rest.........................not!!! We still have to take it all down now. I just got down all the big plastic storage box's and I have to take down the wreath and lights, its a big wreath, I have been asked if I could have found a bigger could not. That means climbing on the roof and dropping it all with out a big tangled mess.
But we had a great time over Christmas, other than the washer breaking down and the heater giving us problems but we made it through and our great friend Ken had a heart problem and ended up in the hospital but he is all repaired and home again with new additions to his maintenance sheet and new improvements. God has really blessed us this year in so many ways.