Thursday, December 30, 2010

It has been awhile....its almost 2011

I have not posted on this blog all year....pitiful! So much has happened this year. A new grandson...Eli....Gene is back from Afganistan safely. I have begun getting in shape and made it thru the holidays still working out and making gains. I just have to lose about another 20-30 lbs, yeah!

But still am paying that lazy woman in Tiftoina, ex-wife drawing alimony....not the child support mind you that is my job to support my son but to support a lazy, under acheiving woman with a bigger check then I pay for the child support is outragous, and for the last 6 years with two years to go still. It is an outrage this happens in the USA.

But it will be over soon and thats one of the many reasons I workout and stay fit because I want to be here to reap my reward when I get back the fruits of my.....MY...labor! Ok, got that off my chest so whats up for 2010.

Well Pam and I are going to be working on working out of course and I want to get more work done on my web sites. I want to look at new things to do and new ways to enjoy life and my spending time with my beautiful wife Pam and all our kids, family and grandkids we are very blessed no matter what has happened in the past so we have great things to look forward to in 2011.....Stay Tuned for more....