Monday, November 30, 2009

Great Thanksgiving, Time to Start Blogging Again, so much to be thankful for

No one may ever read this but I need to start Blogging again every morning. Even if it is just a short one.

We have had so much to be thankful for this year. My wife's daughter Katrina had her daughters, the twins and they are healthy, growing and beautiful as is their four year old sister, Isabella.

Pam's other daughter Aimee is doing well in Nashville and has a new boyfriend and we had diner with and met his parents a few days ago and that was nice.

Then to top is off Pam's son Brandon got a great new job working for Lee University in Cleveland,TN. He will be developing relationships with church pastors and promoting Lee as a place for young people to go to college.

My son Gene is in Afghanistan finishing his tour but we had a great 15 day leave with him and his wife staying at our house with my grandson Carter. So far Gene is doing good and staying safe. Keep praying for him. I am looking forward to seeing what President Obama has to say regarding our countries future in that country.

So Thanksgiving is over....went to my Mom's in Pittsburgh, KS and my sister and brother and their significant others were there to have thanksgiving. I had not seen my sister in about 25 years.

Mom lives in a senior apartment complex so her place is small but we used the clubhouse for our dinner. Had some great food and a great time together. It was amazing that after all that time not seeing my sister and my brother only once in that time we just got going like we had not been apart.....just a lot to catch up on.

Went out and did the Black Friday thing at 4 the next morning. Got my mom a 32" flat screen TV that she loved and I loved giving her. My sister had got her a new laptop because the old one I gave her had died so she is all set now. She loves her computer...likes the slot machine games. Hope she will answer and email sometime?

So I had a great Thanksgiving. Reconnected with my family, got to know my brother-in-law Steve who is funny and had us in stitches. My Sister and my wife got along great and we have plans of going to the beach together in the summer. What a blessed life I have!