Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I have been lazy in many things

Since the holidays I have not worked out, not posted to this blog and not prayed as much as I should.
The not working out has been because of the cold, I hate getting my old bones up at 5:30 and to the gym, I have to start a new way of working out. I also have been at this new TVA job for the last three weeks and have been very involved in putting my VB development and .Net skills to the task of developing a weld tracking program, it is very interesting.
During and since the holidays my wife and I have had a number of guest and it has been great but soon we need some time for ourselves. We have had my son, Gene and his wife Casey and my grandson, Carter here for the last week or so as they make there transition to Ft. Carson, CO in February. It is a lot of fun having a baby around when you can give him to someone else when he cry's, I am going to miss them when they go.
But my wife's daughter is soon delivering twins so we will have no shortage of grand kids.
We just changed back to our old church, The Ministry Center, it is great, and you can feel the Holy Spirit filling the place on Sunday and Pastor Jim has been providing us some great preaching. You can feel the growth coming, I know I and I hope many others are praying that way.
I am going to try to post more and add pictures more. I need to get back to it in the morning. Now that I googled my name and it shows up.

Monday, January 5, 2009

A New Project at TVA

I start my new job at TVA today. I am so excited